Glasgow Women's Library Animation
For the first unit of the Second Year at City of Glasgow College, we were commissioned to produce an animation for the Glasgow Women's Library, intended to educate and inform people on the topic of suffragists and suffragettes from Glasgow.
The suffragette I was appointed to produce an animation of was Frances McPhun, Sister of Margaret Mcphun and Daughter of House of Commons bailer, John McPhun. I gathered a range of research material on both McPhun and the climate of Women's Suffrage in the 1900's. From this research, I learned of the women's Gallery in the house of commons, where women stood behind a mesh grate, separate from the main body of people, I then used this to produce a visual motif of a diamond pattern grate, which served as a background for the animation, the purpose of this was to subvert the initial effect of the grate, separating women from the main conversation. I chose to create the impression that now, the conversation is happening with the women in question, directly engaging with the audience.
Also compiled here is a collection of preliminary 3D work in Cinema4D, highlighting modelling, lighting, colouring, texturing, cameras, and key-framing.
I used my experience in C4D to produce the background, creating an illustrator 8 file of a grate, importing it into C4D and modelling it in 3D, creating a red wall behind it, and animating coloured spotlights to create a more distinct visual experience.
I also produced work in After Effects experimenting with masking and applying effects. (Click Images for full size)